Development in Timor-Leste is physically appeared even not much yet. Many of buildings are constructed and protocol roads are also rehabilitated and upgraded. But it is necessary to recognize that roads connections in entire the capital are not up to the national standard yet. The roads were rehabilitated by the local constructions company but the buildings were almost built by the foreigners, mostly are Chinese, Philippines and Indonesian. These three countries have dispatched legally lot of their citizens to Timor-Leste but some are illegally enter. Some are against immigration law by holding tourist visa for working in the country. Those foreigners have their own type of occupation as below classification:
Construction (Chinese, Philippines, Indonesia)
Restaurant (Chinese, Philippines, Indonesia and India)
Tailor (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh)
Business (Shops, trade, shoes sewing) Indonesia, Chinese, Philippines, Vietnamese
Electronic supplier (Indonesia, India)
Furniture supplier (Indonesia, India)
English School (Philippines)
There are many people also from South Asian countries as Indian people, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, people from this region mostly engaged on tailors, restaurant, furniture and electronic shops. Uniquely all those are men and Timorese women are employed as staff for them. In the same time, most of them are married with Timorese women. This applies also to Chinese, those Chinese men who married with Timorese women and build a shop. This issue has become a major concern for public, especially local business people. There are two type of Chines in Timor-Leste, 1) old Chinese, this Chinese mean those who were already in Timor-Leste long time ago, they are Timorese; recently stated by H.E. Mr. Taur Matan Ruak, the president of RDTL. They have the same right and obligation as other local people. 2) New Chinese, this type of chines are those who are just arrived after the independence; those are foreigners from China, East Asian Country. Most people from this country are working on construction and business such as small shopping for basic needs and construction needs. Chinese do what that local business people can do. Chinese have occupied to the remotes areas of Timor-Leste; compete with the local business by selling basic needs in traditional market. It is obviously seen that Chinese known well the demand Timor-Leste people. It is not much the contribution but they created a job for uneducated people with some dollars every month.
Compare with Chinese, Indonesia and Philippine are also not few in Timor-Leste. Timor-Leste and Indonesia which are connected via boarder has facilitated people for coming and out easily to Timor-Leste. Indonesian people are working on business (seconder needs) and construction (construction works and construction needs). Philippine also offer English School for kids, this type of intervention is significant for people of English improving but it’s not cheap for people with law income.
Those foreigners even they build a small business but they are permitted with a certificate which is provided by the Timorese government. The question is, how much is the modal that they have to invest for their business in Timor-Leste? Have they fulfilled the criteria existed and do they have working visa? Do they pay to the tax? Maybe yes or maybe not. The immigration Office sometimes deportee those people with the reason of miss using visa in the country. A part of that modal & this uncertain condition, these foreigners still employ one or two Timorese and valuated with the number of dollars which is less than minimum wage of government standard.
Local people who work with these foreigners are categorized as minimum educated people and unemployed who are looking for job. The minimum wages from the foreigner employment has sustained their livelihood with this amount; even though, the present of these foreigners are really not welcomed by local people however the local people enjoy their supplies.
The “foreigner’s business intervention” excluded from the business that run based on an agreement which is reached by both government. Technical cooperation, grant provision and other type of assistance are surely come because of an agreement from both parties. So, this is an intervention run in diplomatic way. How is about the involvement that coming from private foreign company and business? Are they legally operating business in Timor-Leste? do they contribute to the development of this country? Is there any action to them from the government through the competent division? By employing local people for lower position, are they paid conditionally with the job by the foreigner company?
There are a lot of unclear situation of present by the foreigners business in Timor-Leste. The occupation of foreigners are not just in urban but have already disseminated in remotes areas with the same type of business. With limited amount, lack of creativity and knowledge local business mostly not able to compete and prefer to withdraw from the market because of the Chinese and some others foreign business.
The development in Timor-Leste is seemed gradually improved. However, the improvement is still around the urban areas. The remote areas are also essential to develop as whole as nation development. It is requested to the government to seriously regulate the foreign business and trade in order to create a space for local business. As business is one of the major parts for the contribution of a nation.
written by Octa Minec Carvalho
Friday, February 28, 2014
Dili mak sidade boot ona iha Timor-Leste, hanesan nasaun ida, Dili iha funsaun esensial hanesan odamatan bo’ot ba mundo tomak. Dili mos hanesan distritu ida iha Timor-Leste nebe xefia husi administrador ida. Tuir hirarkia governu Timor-Leste, servisu administrasaun distrital iha Ministeriu Estatal nia okos. Kada adminstador ida iha poder natón atu jere ninia servisu, ida ne’e aplika mos ba distritu hotu-hotu iha Timor laran.
Administrador troka ida ho ida seluk maibe laiha mudansa, sidauk hare servisu ruma nebe representa identidade distritu Dili. Dili husi tempu ba tempu la’o iha fatin. Servisu ida nebe mak transparante liu mak servisu saniamentu nebe raut fo’er iha Dili laran nomos siguransa sivil nebe foka liu atu duni negosiante tunu batar iha tasi ibun, MNEC nia oin. Maibe servisu ne’e mos laiha susesu tamba tuku 2 meiudia deit negosiante sira komesa hatun ona meza ho kadeira. Agora iha tan fali meza ho kadeira feitu nebe hatur hela iha tasi ibun, ida ne’e atu hatudu katak governu liu husi administrasaun distritu Dili suporta negosiante sira atu fa’an iha tasi ibun refere ka atu hasai sira husi neba? Ka meza ho kaderia feitu sira ne’e ba funsaun seluk? pois fatin nebe prepara hela iha tasi ibun dalan bebonuk nian neba atu hodi halo fali saida? Ba fahi, bibi no karau ou mini traditional market, fatin hasoru malu ba joven sira ou gerobak para fatin? Sidauk hatene. Iha fatin seluk, negosiante gerobak sira fa’an modo iha merkado Comoro nia oin mos dudu la ba. Agora balun fa’an to’o ona supermerkado Landmark nia oin. Pesoal seguransa sivil distritu Dili nian dudu negosiante sira la ba, lokraik forma fali tiha ona iha dalan ibun. Negosiante fa’an ikan sira mos lakoi lakon, lokraik sira kompete ona atu fa’an sira nia ikan, maske fatin fa’an ikan nian prepara tiha ona.
Saida mak ita bele halo ba sidade Dili, aproximasaun husi nai ulun sira mak sei menus ka populasaun sira rasik mak lakoi koopera ho governu? Servisu hamutuk entre governu ho populasaun ne’e iha duni maibe hanesan hafuhu malu no la dura alias panas-panas tai ayam. Governu dudu hodi ninia lei maibe populasaun dudu hasoru hodi ninia nesesidade. Karik tamba nesesidade ekonomia mak governu ho populasaun sei hafuhu hela malu hanesan ne’e ka oinsa.
Iha tempu udan, sidade Dili kria mota iha fatin importante sira kapital nian, udan ne’e halo inundasaun iha fatin balun besik mota ibun no laletek sira. Udan hotu mak ita hare komesa husi tasi ibun, sikun-sikun iha sidade laran nakonu ho fo’er, plastik, masa sira, lata aat sira, foer nakonu iha rai henek mutin leten tasi ibun nian no mos estrada laran. Saniamentu raut to’o baruk. Denge ho malaria iha HNGV mos aumenta. Maske pesoal distritu Dili hakilar atu fanu populasaun nia konsiensia mas sidauk bele, karik mekanismu ho aproximasaun mak sei fraku. Ho populasaun nia konsensia sei menus aumenta tan ho funsaun administrasaun nebe la klaru rezulta sidade Dili sai fatin fo’er nebe kronik liu tan. Tuir rumoris balun katak pesoal distritu Dili mensiona tiha ona ba publiku katak susar atu hadia sidade Dili. Susar ne’e tamba laiha poder natón husi ministeriu kompetente ka susar tamba laiha jestaun no planu atu hahu?
Iha parte balun Cidade Dili agora komesa harí ona uma andar bara-barak, loja, ótel no restaurante sira. Ida ne’e hatudu katak Dili ne’e kapital nasaun Timor-Leste nian, sentru ba negosiu no merkadoria sira no fatin buka moris hanesan edukasaun, saude no kampu de trabalhu mos oferese. Oinsa se Dili ne’e hanesan distritu ida? iha mudansa ona depois de ukun an ka la’o nafatin iha fatin? Fatin interesante balun hanesan jardin sira no Largo de Lecidere define ona katak Dili ne’e sidade ida maibe karik ida ne’e mai direita husi governu nasional la’os husi nivel distrital. Distritu Dili klasifika hanesan area urbana ho populasaun hamutuk 193,563 (census 2010) ne’e la inklui Atauro no Metinaro. Karik planiamentu urbana husi administrasaun distritu Dili iha maibe seidauk sosializa nebe ita hare Dili laran ne’e sei runga-ranga los, se mak iha forte nia mak ukun. Planiamentu urbana katak servisu tekniku no prosesu politiku kona ba oinsa atu uza rai no dezenho ba ambiente urbana sira nebe inklui; rede transporte, distribusaun bee, distribusaun ahi no dezenvolvimentu sira seluk. Atu dehan deit katak iha standarte ruma iha administrasaun ida nia okos atu regula populasaun atu halo buat ruma. Dalaruma ministeriu administrasaun estatal nia stratejia mak liu husi kriasaun PNDS, atu bele kria tan kampu de servisu iha distritu seluk atu ema husi Dili laran mos bele sai ba servisu iha distritu seluk, ho ida ne’e populasaun menus, jestaun adminstrasaun distritu Dili sei bele fasil liu tan. Ita espera deit ho hanoin pozitivu no kooperasaun maximu atu hadia ita nia rai. Klaru katak wainhira Dili organiza ona ho diak, diak ne’e sei daet ba distritu seluk.
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Administrador troka ida ho ida seluk maibe laiha mudansa, sidauk hare servisu ruma nebe representa identidade distritu Dili. Dili husi tempu ba tempu la’o iha fatin. Servisu ida nebe mak transparante liu mak servisu saniamentu nebe raut fo’er iha Dili laran nomos siguransa sivil nebe foka liu atu duni negosiante tunu batar iha tasi ibun, MNEC nia oin. Maibe servisu ne’e mos laiha susesu tamba tuku 2 meiudia deit negosiante sira komesa hatun ona meza ho kadeira. Agora iha tan fali meza ho kadeira feitu nebe hatur hela iha tasi ibun, ida ne’e atu hatudu katak governu liu husi administrasaun distritu Dili suporta negosiante sira atu fa’an iha tasi ibun refere ka atu hasai sira husi neba? Ka meza ho kaderia feitu sira ne’e ba funsaun seluk? pois fatin nebe prepara hela iha tasi ibun dalan bebonuk nian neba atu hodi halo fali saida? Ba fahi, bibi no karau ou mini traditional market, fatin hasoru malu ba joven sira ou gerobak para fatin? Sidauk hatene. Iha fatin seluk, negosiante gerobak sira fa’an modo iha merkado Comoro nia oin mos dudu la ba. Agora balun fa’an to’o ona supermerkado Landmark nia oin. Pesoal seguransa sivil distritu Dili nian dudu negosiante sira la ba, lokraik forma fali tiha ona iha dalan ibun. Negosiante fa’an ikan sira mos lakoi lakon, lokraik sira kompete ona atu fa’an sira nia ikan, maske fatin fa’an ikan nian prepara tiha ona.
Saida mak ita bele halo ba sidade Dili, aproximasaun husi nai ulun sira mak sei menus ka populasaun sira rasik mak lakoi koopera ho governu? Servisu hamutuk entre governu ho populasaun ne’e iha duni maibe hanesan hafuhu malu no la dura alias panas-panas tai ayam. Governu dudu hodi ninia lei maibe populasaun dudu hasoru hodi ninia nesesidade. Karik tamba nesesidade ekonomia mak governu ho populasaun sei hafuhu hela malu hanesan ne’e ka oinsa.
Iha tempu udan, sidade Dili kria mota iha fatin importante sira kapital nian, udan ne’e halo inundasaun iha fatin balun besik mota ibun no laletek sira. Udan hotu mak ita hare komesa husi tasi ibun, sikun-sikun iha sidade laran nakonu ho fo’er, plastik, masa sira, lata aat sira, foer nakonu iha rai henek mutin leten tasi ibun nian no mos estrada laran. Saniamentu raut to’o baruk. Denge ho malaria iha HNGV mos aumenta. Maske pesoal distritu Dili hakilar atu fanu populasaun nia konsiensia mas sidauk bele, karik mekanismu ho aproximasaun mak sei fraku. Ho populasaun nia konsensia sei menus aumenta tan ho funsaun administrasaun nebe la klaru rezulta sidade Dili sai fatin fo’er nebe kronik liu tan. Tuir rumoris balun katak pesoal distritu Dili mensiona tiha ona ba publiku katak susar atu hadia sidade Dili. Susar ne’e tamba laiha poder natón husi ministeriu kompetente ka susar tamba laiha jestaun no planu atu hahu?
Iha parte balun Cidade Dili agora komesa harí ona uma andar bara-barak, loja, ótel no restaurante sira. Ida ne’e hatudu katak Dili ne’e kapital nasaun Timor-Leste nian, sentru ba negosiu no merkadoria sira no fatin buka moris hanesan edukasaun, saude no kampu de trabalhu mos oferese. Oinsa se Dili ne’e hanesan distritu ida? iha mudansa ona depois de ukun an ka la’o nafatin iha fatin? Fatin interesante balun hanesan jardin sira no Largo de Lecidere define ona katak Dili ne’e sidade ida maibe karik ida ne’e mai direita husi governu nasional la’os husi nivel distrital. Distritu Dili klasifika hanesan area urbana ho populasaun hamutuk 193,563 (census 2010) ne’e la inklui Atauro no Metinaro. Karik planiamentu urbana husi administrasaun distritu Dili iha maibe seidauk sosializa nebe ita hare Dili laran ne’e sei runga-ranga los, se mak iha forte nia mak ukun. Planiamentu urbana katak servisu tekniku no prosesu politiku kona ba oinsa atu uza rai no dezenho ba ambiente urbana sira nebe inklui; rede transporte, distribusaun bee, distribusaun ahi no dezenvolvimentu sira seluk. Atu dehan deit katak iha standarte ruma iha administrasaun ida nia okos atu regula populasaun atu halo buat ruma. Dalaruma ministeriu administrasaun estatal nia stratejia mak liu husi kriasaun PNDS, atu bele kria tan kampu de servisu iha distritu seluk atu ema husi Dili laran mos bele sai ba servisu iha distritu seluk, ho ida ne’e populasaun menus, jestaun adminstrasaun distritu Dili sei bele fasil liu tan. Ita espera deit ho hanoin pozitivu no kooperasaun maximu atu hadia ita nia rai. Klaru katak wainhira Dili organiza ona ho diak, diak ne’e sei daet ba distritu seluk.
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