Thursday, October 30, 2014

Duties and Rights (Part II –end)

As the role of a supervisor is to supervise the inferior/ staff not to blame or to complain to the chief. If there is mistaken done by a staff, supervisor must lead and direct him/her not to disseminate that mistaken to other people. It shows that the supervisor is not mature and not capable enough to lead a staff. Supervisor don’t just bombard staff with this kind of words “you are not capable for this and that” because this is not an attribute for the motivational piece of the staff.

Local staff is limited to the chance for capacity building while volunteers and advisors from their country are facilitated for English course in this non English speaking country. It’s ridiculous, right?

There is a big gap between us, the supervisor acts like a boss. Relationship between us becomes worse. Every person comes with the different characteristics and different experience but the local staff remains the same. And local staff is forced to adapt with the home staff, it’s shocking, isn't it? {*^*}

I have been working here for almost 5 years; I love my job, indeed. I acknowledge that I have to improve my performance, but I am also hoping from my supervisor to lead and supervise me not to blame or point at me with his cranky face.

I understand the rules and regulations which were clearly mentioned in the contract. Should I follow the rules and regulations while it against fundamental rights? I signed it, so no matter what the condition is, I must follow that rules…:(poor me:(

Many new things I found here, learning by doing is an excellent step of experience. My deeply thanks extended to my previous supervisors and chiefs, they have really directed me, been my upper and in the same time been my good friend.

I have obtained many precious experiences from this office and I do hope to continue working here, if they can revise the contract which is benefited to all staff.

Rai odio kleur iha laran ne’e todan boot ida….

Profesora ida halo jogu ho nia estudante sira iha iskola:

Profesora haruka nia estudante sira atu lori plastiku transparansia ida ho fehuk roupa…fehuk roupa ne’e bele lori hira deit depende ema hira mak ita rai odio ba…tau ema ne’ebé ita odio nia naran iha kada fehuk roupa, depende ema hira mak ita odio, fehuk roupa mós sura tuir ema hirak ne’e….

To’o ona loron ne’ebé profesora ho estudante sira termina tiha ona atu hahú hala’o jogu ne’e.
Estudante sira halo tuir instrusaun ne’ebé profesora hato’o tiha ona, kada fehuk roupa iha naran no tau iha plastiku transparan ida. Estudante balun lori fehuk roupa 2, balun lori 3 no balun fali lori 5 kedas.

Estudante tenke lori fehuk roupa sira ne’e lor-loron, hodi ba ne’ebé deit wainhira sira sai, ba toilet deit mós sira tenke lori fehuk roupa sira ne’e durante semana ida nia laran.

Loron aumenta ba bei-beik, fehuk roupa mós komesa dodok no iis, estudante sira kole ona no komesa mur-mura, liu-liu sira ne’ebé lori fehuk roupa fuan lima, la’os deit todan maibé iis dois ona.

Semana ida liu ona, estudante sira komesa sente kamán no sira nia terus mós hotu ona.
Profesora husu ba sira, durante semana ida imi lori fehuk roupa ne’e imi sente oinsá?
Estudante hotu-hotu hakilar , ami sente la hakmatek tamba tenke lori fehuk roupa dodok sira ne’e lor-loron.

Profesora komesa esplika signifika hosi jogu ne’ebé sira halo:

wainhira ita la perdua ema seluk ne’ebé halo sala mai ita katak ita rai odio ne’e iha ita nia laran, no lori la’o ba ne’ebé-ne’ebé. Ita sente la konfortu wainhira lori fehuk roupa dodok ne’ebé iis la’o ba mai hanesan ne’e durante semana ida. Oinsá se ita rai odio ba ema seluk durante ita nia moris tomak, ita sente oinsá, kamán ka?


Duties and Rights (Part I )

Be a professional means you have to sacrifice some of your life. Every decision made will be affected to your performance, no matter what the reason is, you must follow rules and regulations. There is no human sense at all in this office. The environment becomes worse than ever, I thought that as a father, he will admit me to take some more times after my maternity leave, but I was wrong. In fact I have to change my original request which I was going to take 2 months leave without pay but I have to change my mind at this time that I will not take leave without pay. It means I will take risks for my kids and myself. For sure, I need more time at home as my baby is still very young and it is almost impossible for me to be away from her for many hours.

It is not reasonable that during maternity leave in this office, there will be deducted 2/3 from monthly wages. This act is absolutely against the gender equity and against the labour code. Gender equity is high considered in this country and in the world. It is unacceptable that the fundamental right of a woman must be ignored by deducting her wages because of staying at home during maternity leave. Is it because of the elder average is higher than younger at the country origin of this organization? Or because of business orientation and individual life style has affected to the limited reproductive women in that country? Therefore, there is no human sense at all for pregnancy women. So terrible!!!

Every employee has fundamental rights for marriage, maternity leave, paternity leave, leave without pay, health insurance, sick leave, life insurance and travel insurance. It is understandable that each organization has different policies but at least the basic policies from International Labour Organization are applicable in every organization.

If the staff is ten minutes late, it will be accumulated with other day when the staff is late and the wages will be deducted for that absence. However if the staff stays after working hours less than 25 minutes, overtime for this extra hours is not considered.

Local staff is not entitled for health insurance and if sick leave runs out from 6 days it will be paid by deducting salary. In contrary, they are entitled for health insurance, life insurance and free for consultation & treatment wherever they wish.

To be continued.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tara Bandu

Linoy Machado

“Tara Bandu” in English language (customary law) is called a part of Timorese culture and was created by our ancestors and the purpose of it is to avoid the prohibited or attitude that do not comply with rules and has not regard for nature or anything that all people, in certain area, do not like. This is the history, or might be correctly said ‘legend’, where our ancestors leave for the generation to generation and they left with a legacy to inheritance to women, youth, through culture, habits, and beliefs in traditional values and ultimately influence the society through these heritages.
The Ceremony of Tara Bandu, based on habit or costume, is to start forbidding or avoiding people not to do something wrong that already being banned by the community leader or Government. The ceremony of Tara bandu usually using some of animals like cow, pig, goat or chicken with betel vine and areca nut to offer to the "tutelary spirit" as a symbol and wine of course. The entire symbol putting together in a place and all people will be sitting in a circle and the leaders will be sitting nearby with the gift.
During the ceremony, the community leader will be converse with the "tutelary spirit" asking to protect this place and make some deal relatedly. If in the future, someone trying to destroy or break or damage this place, the "tutelary spirit" will punish them. After the ceremony, the community leader divide the food and the betel vine with areca nut to offer to all people who are participating in the ceremony, to eat the foods and drink the wine to get blessing from the tutelary spirit.
The ceremony of Tara Bandu is not only to protect the place, but people also believe that, when celebrate the ceremony of Tara Bandu and offer something to the nature or tutelary spirit, will give the fail to the land where we lived and blessing the place that we live in during all the seasons. People will not pass hungry because the nature will give a lot of food from the farm, but if they do not believe it, then they will not get enough food from the nature even if they already work so hard in farming and, the land will not fertile and will be dried everywhere.

one of Tara Bandu's activity

Tara Bandu is the culture of Timor-Leste where Timorese people should keep in their mind and heart so that we could always keep maintaining the culture. The purpose of Tara Bandu is to respect to the nature which give us the place to stay and land to farm on to get food for live and also to prevent conflicts. Tara Bandu is a way on how to prevent conflict or violence, a way to promote peace in Timor-Leste, to prevent people from spoiling nature as well as to embrace all people to establish peace and stability in this country. Using the system of Tara Bandu will make people respect the nature and also respect each other, because people will not cutting the tree and burn the hill or the forest just for one reason that want to create plantation to survive. But in fact they are destroying nature that will have very bad impact on the earth and especially the system of globalization «Global Warming» and also destroy nature that will be very detrimental to our children and grandchildren in the future. That’s way, the traditional law of Tara Bandu is a very good way to collaborate with people and work together to protect the nature and to guard the forest from irresponsible cutting of tree and burn the forest.

As the new country that just got the independent for 12 years, it is important to implement Tara Bandu, so can help the formal justice. The State Secretary of Environment is now trying to implement that system to all territory in Timor-Leste because in fact, Timorese people believe that the "tutelary spirit" is more powerful than human being or Government. People might act against the government to burn hills or cut trees but people will be very carefully to act against the "Tutelary Spirit". People will be more feared about the punishment from the nature than from the Government. For these reasons, Government of Timor-Leste has already considered to work in consonance with the community leader to implement the traditional law system of Tara Bandu.

Written by Linoy "Gliana" Machado