Friday, July 24, 2015

Hau Hakarak Sai Televizaun....

Hanesan baibain, Joni sempre hader tuku 6 atu prepara an ba iskola. Joni estudante ho idade tinan 7 iha Eskola Primaria ida iha hau nia moris fatin. Dalaruma Joni nia Papa lori hela nia ba hatun iha iskola antes nia ba servisu. Joni nia mama servisu hare uma laran de’it.

Loron ba loron Joni nia atividade hanesan de’it. Maibé nia ladun hasoru nia papa tamba dalabarak nia papa ba servisu sedu liu no tama tarde liu. Nia mama mós okupadu ho servisu uma laran nian. Joni oan mesak ne’ebé estimadu loos. Joni iha sasan halimar barak loos. Joni mós iha kolega barak ne’ebé hela besik sira nia uma. Maibé Joni fila uma sempre halimar mesak tan nia mama ho papa okupadu. Nia papa ho mama sempre hare televizaun no lee jurnal kuandu fila uma. Iha tempu ne’ebé hanesan Joni hein hela nia papa atu halimar ho nia.

Joni ho ninia kurioza no laran kanek obzerva papa ho mama nia okupadu. Joni tuur triste hodi hanoin atu sai hanesan televizaun para nia papa ho mama hare hela deit nia kuandu iha uma. Loron ida, iha Joni nia aula profesora hanorin konaba mehi iha futuru.

Estudante ida-idak tenke hatan ba profesora no maluk sira seluk konaba sira nia mehi. Estudante balun hatan tiha ona nia sira mehi ba profesora, agora to’o ona ba Joni nia tempu. Profesora husu ba Joni; Joni, aban bairua ó hakarak sai saída? Joni ho inosente hatan ba profesora, profesora hau hakarak sai televizaun. Profesora hakfodak no husu fali ba Joni, o hakarak sai televizaun? Profesora konfirma ba Joni. Joni hatan tan, sim profesora, ha’u hakarak sai televizaun tur iha armari laran para papa ho mama servisu hotu haré deit ha’u duke sira hare telenovela no lee jurnal di'ak liu sira hare de'it ha'u. Profesora kompriende ona katak, Joni nia papa ho mama okupadu tebes no ladun fó atensaun ba nia.

Lisaun: Oan presiza inan aman nia domin no prezensa, la’os sasan ka osan.

Nature Is Always Beauty....It Is In Tasi Tolu, Dili

Lunch Time With My Toddler And His New Wristwatch...

My toddler was trained to speak English from earliest of his age, even though his mother is not fluent in English. He understands well but he doesn’t speak out yet. We sometimes bring him to the pool to swim. He enjoys it much. He likes to jump in to the water. His daddy was enjoyed with him. He is familiar with the word “JUMP”.

He has a nanny from a village, southern part of Timor-Leste.  One day I went home from office, I brought a sunglass and a wristwatch. My toddler was so excited. He proudly worn the wristwatch and shown it to me but the sun glass was just like a toy.

I always invite him for lunch, dinner and breakfast together with me. In the next day, I came home for lunch. One thing that makes me feel so great is he doesn’t refuge my invitation. He was very excited wearing his wristwatch. The nanny understood English very little but she was able to communicate with my toddler. She also understands Indonesia Language. The nanny stands beside the chair where my toddler seated. Then she called my toddler to show the wristwatch. Where is your JAM (Indonesia Language means wristwatch).  My toddler confused, because a bit longer sentence and my toddler was about to JUMP but the nanny repeated, “JAM, your JAM” wristwatch in Indonesia Language). My toddler suddenly JUMPED to her and she kept asking “your ‘JAM’ ” (The pronunciation of JUMP without P “JUM” is same as Indonesian Language “Jam” wristwatch). The nanny said wristwatch in Indonesian Language but my toddler catch-up in different meaning.  
My toddler almost fell down because the nanny was not aware that my toddler was going to jump in to her.  

It is import to alert nanny about the movement of toddler.
Multi languages at home helps toddler but it is a bit hard for speeding him to speak up.

Wasting Time To Get My Electoral Card....

It was on 3 July 2015, was my first coming day to obtain my electoral card. There was no one at the office, I did not see any staff at the office even it was already 8:30. I saw more people coming to get their electoral card. There was a girl stand beside me, we had a short conversation.
Me:  excuse me, is today holiday? I asked to a student (girl) beside me.
Girl: No, we have class today, I have to go to school at 13:00, she replied me. I came here three times already, but I was unsuccessfully getting the card, she continued.
Me: oh really?  
Then I left the student, I walked around and entered to the front space of the office.
Halloo, a security guard (girl) called me, a chatting begun:
Security guard: Good morning, please wait outside.
Me: Thank you. Is today holiday? I asked her.
Security guard: I had no information; I am just a security guard. But please wait (while seeing to the clock).
Me: oh thanks. It’s almost nine...the office starts at eight, right?
Security guard: Yes.  But today is Friday; there is no service on Friday.
Me: ohh, thank you for your information.
On 6 July 2015, I have to take one hour off in order to get my electoral card. I was waiting until nine but there was no staff at all.
Suddenly a voice sound, good morning. I turned back; good morning uncle (an old man) greeted me. He was sweeping the floor. Please have a seat.  Thank you, I answered. He is an office’s cleaner.
It was nine already, the windows were opened; is the service going to commence? I asked to the cleaner. Yes, he replied me.
We were many outside waiting the staff to assist us in obtaining our electoral card.
One by one, the staff shouted. He looked at me and said;
Staff:  do you have any problem?
Me:  Yes. I lost my electoral card; here are the documents to get the new card (I shown to him).
Staff: Do you bring the copy of baptism certificate?
Me: No, I replied him.  My personal data is remained same. Why do I have to bring it as the data is still same?
Staff: No. you have to bring it! He answered me with a loud voice.
Okkk, I have to go to office now. I will come again next time.
I was not comfort when without electoral card.  I have to go back to office of the Service of Technical Administration of Electoral (STAE).
On 9 of July 2015, I arrived at STAE office before eight. I was thinking that I have to be more patient and show my fresh, smile and friendly face to people around me. But unexpected things happened. Many People came, waited there. Security guards and two staff came earlier but we were not attended as they are not staff in charge. I saw my mobile phone, it was 8:45, and I have to attend a meeting with my supervisor. I was allowed one hour.  He kept on texting me. Can you join the meeting? I replied his message, I am trying to join but I cannot leave here without obtaining my new electoral card. It’s already nine and fifteen. The staff just started to work at nine. Oh I wasted my time and they are not relying on office hours.  This is not once but it is almost every day.
This time, my documents were completed. So, I requested to the staff to check mine.
Me: Good morning, please check mine first. I came here earlier.
Staff: Please be in-line. Thanks. You come inside the room and sign here (point to a paper).
Me: Finally, I will get my card soon.
Staff: Congratulation.
Me: Thank you.
       Excuse me, can I ask you something?
Staff: Please...
Me: What is the exact time you should start work?
Staff: eight.
OMG, this is wasting time and a kind of corruption. This is a passive corruption.  


Dili Namlaik

Iha Tempu bai loro, rai maran, rai manas halo kulit nakloke hotu. La’o loron manas halo matan mean hotu, rai rahun tama matan laran matan sai moras no katar. Baruk iha uma tamba manas atu sai ba jardin balu iha Dili laran maibe jardin barak mak namlaik tamba laiha manutensaun no laiha konxensia hosi ema Timor rasik. Jardin atu buras no hare furak wainhira aihoris iha laran fó matak no mahon ba ita ema, maibe la’os katak atu hakiak du’ut iha laran. Du’ut hanesan pesti ne’ebé tenke hamoos tiha atu nune’e bele fó fatin ba aifunan ho aihoris sira ne’ebé hakiak iha laran.
Iha tempu ne’ebé hanesan konstrusaun istrada halo ba bebeik iha Dili laran. Sobu tiha husik hela, ateru tiha ho rai, husik de’it. ke’e ku’ak tiha taka de’it ho kalen, husik tiha lai. Tempu anin makaas, anin lori rai rahun ba kose ba ai ho parede sira hare hanesan ema feto ida tau po ba nia oin. Iha hau nia bairo, ateru istrada iha tinan kotuk kedas maibé laiha mudansa. Alkatraun sidauk tama to’o iha neba. Foin loron hirak liu ba, kompañia balu ba ateru tan estrada hodi rai henek kahur ho rai rahun.  Fou-foun sira badinas rega maibé liu semana balun sira mos baruk ona. Populasaun ne’ebé hela besik ba mak tenke badinas rega se sira lakohi simu rai rahun. Rai rahun sira ne’e halo aifunan ho ai tahan sai mutin hotu no namlaik. Sidade mós namlaik hotu. Rai rahun mós lori moras oioin ba ema liu-liu ba labarik sira.
Jardin hira kedas mak iha Dili laran maibé ladun iha tratamentu ne’ebé di’ak. Ema sei soe fo’er iha jardin laran. Fo’er sei namkari iha dalan ninin sira, balun ra’ut ona barak mak so’e arbiru hela. Aat liu mak, populasaun sira sunu fali fo’er ne’e iha tempu loron, tempu ne’ebé ema halo hela atividade. Moras hira mak latama ba isin. Animal mós oioin de’it mak husik iha kapital Timor-Leste ne’e. Dili sidauk buras loloos. Konxensia ita ema Timor nian sei menus liu, interese ukun na’in sira nian mos sanak barak liu, dezenvolvimentu ba rai doben ida ne’e sei la’o iha fatin to’o ita ida-idak iha ona konxensia atu tau interese nasional aas liu hosi interese sira seluk.


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Effectiveness Of The Training Courses Supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency To The Timor-Leste Government

Staff, JICA TL Office as of Aug.2013

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been conducting training program for the officers of government, non-governmental organization and other relevant organization in Timor-Leste since 2002. It is almost 400 hundreds have attended training courses in several JICA domestic offices in Japan. The officers are from different background; from Director General, National Directors, Chief of Department and technical professional staff, from district national to districts level. The content of the training courses are various and the training duration is also varieties; from two weeks, three weeks, one to three months, 9 months and 2 years.

The training is normally conducted in English but the Young Leader Training Program is which is held in Okinawa is conducted in Indonesian Language.
There are several conditions on how to apply for the training course which is offered by JICA;
 English Language Proficiency becomes one of the main criteria.
 Current jobs must be relevant with the training courses.
 At least a university degree or equivalent.
 Current position is also important for some training course which has highlighted at the general information.
 Age is also one issue to be taken into consideration.
 Fulfilling the application form is also one of the selection criteria.

From the 5 above conditions, the main issues in this country are English proficiency and suitable candidate for the training course is also one of the big issues. It takes time to find a right person for a right course. The training course which provided to Timor-Leste is almost repetition from year to year. With the limitation of human resource of the government, has difficult for nominating a suitable candidate by line ministries. But at the end, a candidate still was sent by the government for that training.

Timor-Leste as young nation with lack of human resources still needs more hands from other advanced countries. However, every countries and organizations have their own policies, rules and regulations that need to be followed. The Timorese officers who went for the training which has supported by JICA are expected to gain knowledge and apply to the daily works in Timor-Leste.