Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Kondisaun Isin Rua ba Feto ho Idade 20, 30 ho 40….

Iha moris modernu ne’e, ladun iha obrigasaun ba feto ka mane klosan sira atu harii uma kain no forma familia. Ita hasoru feto ho mane sira kaben ho idade ki’ik balun kaben ho idade natón no balun fali kaben iha idade ne’ebé liu tiha ona. Ezemplu, feto ho idade 20 iha enerjia boot liu atu hahoris no eduka nia oan maske esperiensia moris no rekursu finansial seidauk maxímu. Feto ho idade 30 ba leten no 40 ba leten, dalaruma nia finansial iha maturidade natón maibé karik sei iha difikuldade atu bele isin rua no hare nia oan.

Iha kraik ne’e, espelika kona ba vantajen no disvantajen kaben ho idade 20, 30 no 40.

Feto ho idade 20 to’o 30:
- Idade ne’e fértil ba feto ne’ebé fasil ba nia atu isin rua lalais.
- Risku atu abortu no problema komplikasaun durante isin rua menus ka ki’ik liu.
- Risku hahoris ho kondisaun Down Syndrome ho komplikasaun kromossoma mós ki’ik liu.
- Isin rua iha ho idade 20 ital, diak liu ba feto atu ativa tau matan no eduka nia oan to’o tempu ne’ebé naruk.
- Maske ho kondisaun maxima, la’os katak feto ho idade ne’e, livre hosi posibilidade komplikasaun. Iha estudu ne’ebé prova katak iha idade 20 to 24 iha risku bo’ot atu hetan komplikasaun pre-eklampsia kompara ho feto ho idade 25 ba leten no 30 mai kraik.

Feto ho idade 30 to’o 40:
Iha supozisaun barak mak dehan feto ho idade 30 ba leten mak maturadade lolos atu sai inan nune’e mós kapasidade finansial. Ida ne’e hanesan fundamentu ne’ebé forte atu haríi uma kain ida. Maibé feto isin rua ho idade 30 konsidera hanesan iha risku boot, tamba:
- Ho kondisaun ne’ebé la maxima ona, inan sei sente kolen lalais. Lahanesan ho inan ho idade 20 ital.
- Moras oi-oin mosu wainhira isin rua, hanesan; tensaun aas no diabetes. Kondisaun sira ne’e mak kauza inan sira ho idade 30 barak liu mak hahoris liuhosi operasun sesariana.
- Iha mós risku abortus to’o pursentu 11, 7; se wainhira isin rua ho idade 30-34, no risku ida ne’e sei sa’e ba pursentu 18 wainhira isin rua ho idade 35-39.
- Karik labarik moris ho risku Down Syndrom iha idade 30 mai kraik ki’ik liu, maibé risku ida ne’e sei bo’ot wainhira inan isin rua ho idade 35 ba leten. Nune’e mós risku sira seluk hanesan placenta previa, placenta abruption, bebe nia todan lato’o no bebe moris premature.

Feto ho idade 40 ital:
- Isin rua ho idade ida ne’e risku boot tebes. Feto isin rua ho idade hanesan ne’e presiza atensaun ekstra durante isin rua. Diak liu mak konsulta intensivu ho mediku espesialista ruma.
- Iha risku boot atu abortus tamba kondisaun ne’ebé laforte ona. Nune’e mós diabetes, pre-eklampsia, tensaun as, plasenta previa no plasenta abruption iha risku boot tebes.
- Iha posibilidade boot atu hahoris premature no bebe nia todan menus liu.
- Maibé ida ne’e kondisaun jerál ne’ebé akontese ona, iha mós feto barak ho idade 40 ba leten ne’ebé bele hahoris bebe ho susesu, inan ho oan saudavel hotu. Importante mak tenke konsulta intensivu durante isin rua.

Foti hosi fontes oi-oin.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Studying Chemistry but not Learning Chemistry

When I finished my senior high school, I did not have much choice for the special subject that I interested in. There were not many subjects which I can apply for study. Chemistry was one of the new subjects at the Faculty of Education and Teaching, National University of Timor Lorosa’e. I have many lecturers which are professional teaching chemistry and delivered with their own styles.

It’s interesting that most of my friends are working as chemistry teachers in senior high school as well as in the university level. That’s amazing. Some of them are even being head of school in high school. A great responsibility for an adult like us, it’s not easy to take over accountability for teenagers who are still uncontrollable with so much equipped of modern tools.

Teaching chemistry is not limited to the chemistry science but it covers the personality forms and others abilities as well. I am so proud of you guys, you are really relying on what it’s called professionalism. I got the paper of bachelor education specialized in chemistry teaching but I don’t bring it every day and my friends do. Most of my friends are working in this area and something that I have to learn from them is they love it much, they improve it from day to day by learning and studying chemistry which was provided by other institutions in this country. They can deliver it in Tetum even the book was written in Portuguese and Indonesian Languages.

How is about me???> I have even not touched to the chemistry teaching, am too blind to talk about chemistry but I think that I still work in relying on education. What I can share about studying chemistry but not learning chemistry is what I could not apply after what I have achieved as a bachelor of education specialized in chemistry teaching. Teaching is a precious duty; it forms people’s brain and behavior. But I would not work in this area. I am very sorry that I could not generate my father’s prophesy. But I do appreciate and honor what the teachers doing. For my case, I might say that I couldn’t teach chemistry due to my willingness to teach is not attached in me. I don’t have enough patience to oversee those teenagers who are uncontrollable.

I hope that a behavior changes in to positive and good ways will be appeared through what my friends deliver as teachers. It’s not just about science but it’s about quality of life.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hamoris rasik moris hosi limitasaun ne’ebé iha

Dili hanesan kapital Timor-Leste nian, ema barak mak hakarak atu buka moris iha ne’e, ema lubun ba lubun mak halibur an iha ne’e ho objetivu atu kompete ba moris diak, atu hadiak moris no atu hamoris rasik moris ne’e tuir ema ida-idak nia kbiit. Ba ema badinas, dalan sei nakloke luan ba nia, ema ne’ebé depende deit ba kondisaun ne’ebé eziste, nia moris mós sei la’o iha fatin no dalan ba nia kloot tebes. Iha ema barak tebes mak sidauk bele rekoñese didiak nia frakeza no rikeza, ho ida ne’e sei susar ba nia atu dezenvolve nia an. Ema ho tipu ne’e presiza ema seluk atu interven ba iha nia desizaun balun iha nia moris, maski nune’e, intervensaun hosi liur la’os dalan di’ak liu ba ema ida nia moris. Intervensaun hosi ema seluk tenke refleta mós ho situasan internal ema ida-idak nian.

Hamoris rasik ita nia moris la’os de’it iha kontekstu ekonomia maibé inklui mós aspetu oi-oin no iha area ne’ebé luan. Prinsipiu moris ema ida nian la hanesan ho ema seluk nian, tarjetu moris kada individu mós la hanesan. Maibé iha kapital Dili, ekonomia ho eduksaun sai tarjetu prinsipal ba ema hotu atu kompete. La hare ba kondisaun ambiente ou regulamentu ne’ebé kesi metin iha sosiadade laran, buka osan liu hosi negosiu ki’ik mak dalan ikus ba ema hotu ne’ebé foin tama iha moris urbanu. Loron manas, rai udan, tahu dodok, kondisaun ira ne’e hotu la’os todan ne’ebé atu hamate espiritu buka moris nian. Idade ki’ik ka katuas liu, la’os sasukat atu hahú moris ekonomia ida. Buka dollar ne’e la fasil, la’o to’o dollar, hakilar to’o kakorok maran, maibé ran manas nafatin atu kontinua hadiak moris.

Tarjetu ida n’e la’os de’it salva individu ne’ebé foti desizaun atu hala’o moris ekonomia ho tipu hanesan ne’e maibé mós atu sustenta no salva moris seluk ne’ebé tau laran iha individu ida ne’e. Individu sira ne’e hadi’ak sira nia moris hosi sira nia limitasaun rasik, sira la ba buka atu husu iha edifisiu governu balun ka ONG sira maibé, ho sira nia abilidade moris ne’ebé limitadu, sira pronto atu kompete ba moris diak liuhosi dalan kompetisaun ekonomia ne’ebé ninia lukru la guarantia ba sira nia moris. Sira nia prinsipiu mak buka osan ba han loron ohin nian, prinsipiu moris simples ne’ebé la fasil ba ema hotu atu hala’o. Maibé ida ne’e mak moris. Buka atu hare riku iha kiak nia laran, buka atu hetan rikeza iha frakeza nia laran. Limitasaun la’os atu arepende, limitasaun la’os atu halo lamentasaun ba, hosi limitasaun ita bele hare ita nia forte.
