Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Zero Hunger Challenge Make Hunger History

by Dr. Noeleen Heyzer
Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Special Adviser of the United Nations Secretary-General for Timor-Leste

Launch of the National Action Plan on Hunger and Malnutrition Free Timor-Leste and “Juntos Contra a Fome”

20 July 2014, Dili, Timor-Leste

Your Excellency, Mr. Fernando La Sama de Araújo,
The Vice Prime Minster of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Your Excellency, Mr. Engr. Mariano Sabino
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of Timor-Leste

Your Excellency, Dr. Sergio Lobo
Minister of Health of Timor-Leste

Dr. Jose Graziano da Silva
Director General of FAO

Honourable Members of Parliament and Development Colleagues,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today is a special day.

Let me start by congratulating all who have made this day possible. We are here today to launch the implementation plan that goes to the district and household levels to make hunger history: to ensure 100 per cent equitable access to adequate, nutritious and affordable food all year round; to ensure 100 per cent increase in smallholder productivity and income; to ensure all food systems are sustainable and their zero loss or waste of food. Most important of all, to end stunted growth of our children, especially in remote communities. It is easy to launch campaigns but harder to have such a serious comprehensive action plan that carries the promise of food security and nutrition for all; that puts people at the center of development.

My special thanks goes to the Prime Minister, H.E. Mr. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão. It was my privilege as Executive Secretary of ESCAP to have the Prime Minister chair the 69th Commission session and lead the regional launch of the Secretary-General’s campaign on Zero Hunger. Together with other Heads of State and the Deputy Secretary-General and several Under-Secretary-Generals, he led the region to eliminate hunger and accelerate the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

The Prime Minister became the first leader to pilot the “Zero Hunger Challenge” at the country level, to complement the programmes on hunger and malnutrition that his government and the country already have in place. Together with Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand we launched the national level campaign in Dili at the National Parliament in January of this year. I congratulate and thank all members of Parliament and I thank all the political parties which spoke in support of the campaign. It was clearly seen by all as a national agenda rather than the government’s agenda.

The challenge now is in the implementation. But I am encouraged as there is the establishment of a national implementation council (KONSSANTL) consisting of eight relevant government ministries, the UNRC and members of the UNCT, co-chaired by the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Health. This council will be supported at every local district by the District Food and Nutrition Security Committee that would also include NGOs, the private sector and the church. There will be a permanent technical secretariat with representatives from development partners, donor agencies and WFP, FAO, UNICEF and WHO to help with the implementation. This is a huge national effort that has been put in place to achieve the goals of Zero Hunger. The whole national effort will report regularly to both the Prime Minister and me, as the Special Adviser of the United Nations Secretary-General. I am especially pleased to see the allocation of at least 10 per cent of the annual State Budget allocated to implement the plan to have Timor-Leste free of hunger and malnutrition by 2025.

My special thanks to my colleague, the Director General of FAO, Mr. Jose da Silva, for his support of this campaign. My thanks also to the FAO team in Bangkok and in Dili for providing technical support. According to the FAO, this work in Timor-Leste has set a new global standard for how campaign goals can be realized and how Zero Hunger should be implemented in all regions of the world. It also shows what development partners can achieve working together as a system to support the leadership and the people of Timor-Leste. More important, it shows the difference that can happen when there is leadership and political will at the country level.

Hunger is an unforgivable development failure. We need to urgently invest in women farmers, small farmers and entrepreneurs providing income security, buffers and agricultural insurance against price volatility and disaster-related shocks. Let us put people back at the heart of our food systems. Let us make sure that poverty is no longer associated with our farmers. Let us work together to beat the scourge of hunger, the most basic prerequisite for development success because inclusive growth, social equity and sustainable development will not happen on empty stomachs. Let us together make hunger history.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Inbui ho Fini Forerai Falun Ida

Inbui hanesan feto ran ida hosi area remotas, lor-loron nia hare labarik barak mak ba to’os no natar ho sira nia inan aman. Inbui triste tebes maibé laiha kbiit atu tulun. Nia la’o dook hosi sira nia knua ba sidade buka tulun ba ema riku sira maibé nia fila ho liman mamuk, laiha ema ida mak fiar nia. Loron ba loron situasaun iha nia knua halo nia depresaun, oinsá nia bele buka tulun ba labarik sira ne’e no oinsá bele hamoris ema mukit sira ne’ebé moris hosi aifarina isin ida ho kafé moruk kopu ida. Nia la hakiduk hosi intensaun atu tulun ema mukit sira maske nia rasik moris natoon deit. Nia motivasaun sa’e ba beibeik wainhira hasoru ema riku ne’ebé hatudu nia oin suar no hirus, nia la’o ho fiar an nafatin. La’os ema riku ida de’it mak despreza nia maibé barak ona, nia mós simu tratamentu ladiak hosi ema osan na’in sira ne’e. Maibé Inbui la’o ho oin midar no kontente nafatin, fiar katak sei iha dalan atu tulun nia maluk sira iha nia knua.

Lokraik ida, Inbui ba hasoru riku bo’ot ida iha nia uma iha sidade, nia mai bebeik ona iha uma ne’e, maibé katuas riku na’in ne’e la fó oin ba nia, la fiar nia, pergunta barak mak mosu iha katuas ne’e nia ulun; feto ne’e iha hanoin diak duni ka la’e ka nia bosok deit ha’u. Nia la gosta Inbui mai bebeik iha nia uma. Katuas ne’e hakilar Inbui ho lian maka’as dehan nune’e “hei o sai hosi hau nia uma, ne’e la’os uma ba oan kiak sira, o rona ka lae? Maibé Inbui hamriik metin iha nia fatin, la muda ain husi nia hamriik fatin. Inbui husu ba riku ne’e dehan” Señor ajuda netik hau nia alin ki’ik sira iha hau nia knua ba, hola netik lapizeira ida, kadernu ida no lilin falun ida, sira moris mukit loos, maibé sira iha hakarak boot atu iskola. Señor ne’e hanesan riku na’in ba iha setór agrikultura nian, nia iha rai luan, fini barak no oioin de’it. Wainhira koalia hela ho Inbui, señor ne’e kaer mós ho fini forerai falun ida. Inbui husu atu impresta fini ne’e lori ba kuda iha nia knua. Katuas ne’e la fiar maibe nia lakohi ona hare Inbui iha nia uma, entaun ho obriga an katuas ne'e fó deit ona fini forerai ne'e ba Inbui.

Inbui fila ba nia knua lori ho fini forerai ne’e, nia komesa servisu maka’as organiza nia maluk sira atu kuda forerai ne’e. Sira halo grupu hodi kuda fini ida ne’e, ho sira nia servisu maka’as fini falun ida ne’e nakfilak tiha ba to’os forerai hektares ba hektares. Agora Inbui dada iis ona tamba nia objetivu atu tulun labarik sira ba iskola bele realiza ho lalais, hosi rezultadu fa’an forerai ne’e, Inbui ho nia komunidade sira hari iskola oan ida no fasilita labarik sira nia nesesidade ba iskola, la’os ne’e deit maibé ekonomia iha knua ida ne’e mós sa’e ba beibeik, komunidade sira moris diak ho saudavel.

Inbui ba sidade lori ho fini forerai falun ida atu ba fó fila fali ba señor riku na’in ne’e. Señor, hanesan hau dehan tiha ona ba ita, fini ne’e hau impresta deit, agora hau lori fila fali mai intrega ba ita. Señor ho hakfodak, ba kedas Inbui nia knua atu hare direita saida mak akontese iha ne’eba. Loos duni, forerai barak iha to'os luan, komunidade nia moris mós diak, labarik sira ba iskola ho kontente. Entaun, señor ne’e laran mamar ona no nia hanoin ba Inbui mós sai pozitivu. Agora señor riku na’in ne’e mak sosa forerai sira ne’e I nia mós tulun tan fini seluk ba komunidade.

Inbui nia misaun atu ajuda nia knua susesu. Funan nakonu ba Inbui.

****istoria inspirativu*****Octaminec@gmail.com

Monday, July 14, 2014


Biological Engineering or bioengineering (including biological systems engineering) is the application of concepts and methods of biology (and secondarily of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science) to solve real-world problems related to the life sciences or the application thereof, using engineering's own analytical and synthetic methodologies and also its traditional sensitivity to the cost and practicality of the solution(s) arrived at. In this context, while traditional engineering applies physical and mathematical sciences to analyze, design and manufacture inanimate tools, structures and processes, biological engineering uses primarily the rapidly developing body of knowledge known as molecular biology to study and advance applications of living organisms.

An especially important application is the analysis and cost-effective solution of problems related to human health, but the field is much more general than that. For example, biomimetics is a branch of biological engineering which strives to find ways in which the structures and functions of living organisms can be used as models for the design and engineering of materials and machines. Systems biology, on the other hand, seeks to utilize the engineer's familiarity with complex artificial systems, and perhaps the concepts used in "reverse engineering", to facilitate the difficult process of recognition of the structure, function, and precise method of operation of complex biological systems.

The differentiation between biological engineering and biomedical engineering can be unclear, as many universities loosely use the terms "bioengineering" and "biomedical engineering" interchangeably.[1] Biomedical engineers are specifically focused on applying biological and other sciences toward medical innovations, whereas biological engineers are focused principally on applying engineering principles to biology - but not necessarily for medical uses. Hence neither "biological" engineering nor "biomedical" engineering is wholly contained within the other, as there can be "non-biological" products for medical needs as well as "biological" products for non-medical needs (the latter including notably biosystems engineering).
