Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ha’u hakarak sai hanesan nia….

Mane kaben nain ida reza: “Na’I, ha’u servisu maka’as, ha’u nia servisu barak loos iha ha’u nia servisu fatin. maibe ha’u nia ferik oan iha uma halimar de’it. Ha’u la tahan hare nia halimar de’it hanesan nia. ha’u hakarak hanorin nia, tulun ha’u ba Na’I, muda ha’u sai hanesan nia, nia mak hanesan ha’u fali.

Na’i Maromak mos simpatia ba nia no simu duni nia orasaun. Aban dader, nia hader, nia sai tiha ona hanesan nia ferik oan (nia mak feen fali katak nia feto tiha ona), nia hader sedu de’it , halai ba dapur depois prepara matabisu. hotu tiha nia fanun nia oan nain rua atu prepara ba iskola.

Nia tau hamutuk roupa fo’er sira ba mákina fase roupa nian. La kleur nia oan dahuluk ba iskola e nia katuas oan (feto nakfilak ba mane) mos ba servisu. Nia mak lori nia oan ida ki’ik ne’e ba iskola (jardin infantil), depois ne’e nia liu husi merkado para kompras. Fila fali ba uma, ajuda troka nia oan nia roupa, habai roupa e prepara hahan ba meiudia nian.
Hahan tasak hotu tiha, nia fase bikan fo’er matabisu nian. Oras meiudia mos besik ona, nia oan dahuluk fila ona husi iskola, entaun sira nain tolu han meiudia hamutuk. derepenti de’it nia hanoin, telefone no eletrisidade fulan ida ne’e nian sidauk selu. Nia haruka nia oan na’in rua atu ba deskansa meiudia para nia ba lalais banku atu foti osan hodi selu telefone no eletrisidade.

Fila husi banku, nia istrika roupa hodi hare televizaun. Lokraik, nia rega aifunan no jardin, depois fo haris nia oan daruak. Tuku hitu kalan nia prepara han kalan nian. Tuku ualu sira han kalan hamutuk. Han hotu tiha nia la’en hare televizaun, nia fase bikan foer hodi hamoos dapur. hafoin nia ajuda hare nia oan sira halo sira nia trabalho para casa. tuku sia kalan, nia kolen loos no toba dukur tiha.

servisu sei barak hela mak nia sidauk halo. nia hala’o nia servisu hanesan feen foin loron rua, maibe nia la tahan loos ona.

Nia reza ba Maromak. Na’I perdua ha’u ba. Ha’u sala tiha ona. Ha’u la iha ona kbiit atu sai hanesan feen. Favor ida muda fila fali ha’u sai la’en (mane)

Maromak hatan” bele deit. Maibe o tenke hein tan fulan sia, tamba agora o isin rua hela. (istoria deit)

Monday, May 12, 2014


You are the street to go to the world, you are the point to start seeing the world, you are the window to see the world, you are the road to arrive to the earth, you are the gate to see the colorful, you are passage to hear to the bird singing, you are the ground of life, you are the source to understand the sorrow, you are the foundation of love, you are the place to tell the story, your life save other’s new life, you are the way to heaven, you are the mother of heaven.

Do your duties get your rights….

Employment and employee is human being, equally in dignity as creation of God. The employment should treat staff as human and dignity. Staffs are not a perfect person. He/she is in learning process as journey is not ended with a doctoral or even a professor degree, learning is continuously when a human is still breathing. If the employment has a good leadership to manage, to control and to supervise the staff, the office will have a very convenient environment. In vice versa when the leader becomes a dictator then the office is a hell for staff. People are from different culture and region, people is leaving in multicultural social economic circumstances, getting closer to other people by having a good communication is an interactive manner to build a good relationship professionally as well as personally.

I many instances, employ act as a boss without consider how the staff has offered the best of his/ her own to the organization needs and objective. The performance evaluation is made by the employment is normative not based on observation and daily tasks carried by the staff. The boss is not to watch the staff but to accompany the staff and to work with the staff. It is right to the staff to get the supervision from the chief in any occasion. Transparency and faithfulness is expected to have from both employ and employee. Tolerance, kindness and flexibility are conducive for staff is easily for the process of improving staff’s better performance to the organization. The International Labour Organization (ILO) has established the workers’ right. The ILO’s rules and standards are as a base of a nation to identify its own accordingly. However, not many of organization follow the rules which are stipulated from ILO’s. The employ is obligated to provide the staff’s rights as specified by a nation. Except of this issue, the office environment is the essential part to assure how the business running.

The staff is mostly considered as inferior in term of capability and decision making. The employ shall reflect how to improve the capacity of the staff in areas which is related to carry his/her daily tasks. The chance and opportunity for staff to develop shall be provided to improve his/her performance. As long as the employee offer the best performance, the employ should consider the capacity development training or course such as language ability, leadership, management skill and other training which is connected to the staff’s task.

Written by Octamdecarvalho