Thursday, August 20, 2015

Liman Kro’at Povu Nian

Tan rai ida ne’e ó fakar o nia ran
Tan povu ida ne’e ó lakon o nia an
Tan atu hamrik rasik ó lakon ó nia inan aman
Tan rai ida ne’e nia naran ó saran ó nia an

Laiha murak mean atu fó fila ó nia ran
Laiha ema ida atu fó fila ó nia inan aman
Laiha riku soin ida atu louva ó nia saran an
Laiha liman ida bele  halo ó nakfila an

Ó nia isin no ran ne’e lulik
Ó hamahan an iha uma lulik
Ó nia saran an halo rai ne’e lulik
Oras ne’e ó tuur ona iha kadunan lulik

Haré mai ami ne’ebé la’o lerek
atu uza ó nia sakrifisiu ho kmanek
kuda laran mós ba matan delek
Atu sira ukun povu halo kmanek

Ho riku soin povu nian
Nune’e bele soi fali ba moris povu nian.


Farol, 20 August 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Government Changes The Development Of The Nation Delays....

The governments of Timor-Leste just recently reshuffled its structure before the government period ends. It was in February this year; the member of the cabinet was officially inaugurated by the President of Republic, H.E. Taur Matan Ruak. Some members are new and few were promoted or downgraded from Secretary State, Vice Minister even Vice Prime Minister. In the same time, there are some new institutions were established and abolished.

This reconstruction of the cabinet has caused a significant delay to the development of the nation. The new minister has to be familiar with his responsibility in order to perform well in execution of budget, planning and general administrative task.

Some development partners have conducted the survey study for the new project with the personnel at the technical level of the government organizations. The finding has been formulated into the shape of minutes of discussion or record of discussion which is required to be signed by the authorities of the GoTL at the minister level. However, before the signing in the document a briefing session must be conducted to the minister so that or at least to the director general and legal officer in every ministries. Even the briefing has been done to the minister but because of the cabinet reshuffle the document cannot be signed yet. A new minister appointed requested to get briefed before signing the document, because of the past experience of mismanagement of the former minister, it is extra carefully for the new minister to sign on to any document. This is the legal matter that needs to be followed by development partner as well as the government of TL. This policy has already stunted the development of this nation.

The government of TL can gently demark the responsibility for signing the official document. The document from bilateral cooperation as symbolically must be signed by the minister and the Director General could be as a signer for some technical document. With this demarcation, the development of the nation is moving forward as the finding from the development will also be reported to its cabinet for the approval. If the signing on minutes of the meeting of the survey study delayed the implementation will certainly delayed.

I hope that the government of Timor-Leste can separate its responsibility to its authorities in order to smoothly the development for this nation.  

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lisaun Hosi Mane Klosan Ida....

Lokraik, rai nakaras ba beibeik, ha’u hare ema barak la’o ba mai iha Timor Plaza laran. Balun la’o mesak, balun la’o na’in rua, balun fali la’o iha grupu. Ema hotu kontente. Ha’u mós kontente tamba momentu ne’e ha’u la’o hau nia oan mane, oan feto no nanny ida. Iha Food Court, ema barak tebes. Iha liur udan suviska, rai malirin ituan. Tenke hamanas an, hemu netik xá manas ruma ou han na’an bakso. Meza iha Food Court kuaze nakonu, labarik mós iha, klosan sira passa tempu hamutuk, inan aman konversa ho sira nia oan. Loos duni, familía hamutuk tamba momentu ne’eba loron sabadu.

Ema hotu konsentra ba han no koalia. Iha dalan tama ba Food Court ne’e mane klosan bonito ida, ain aas, isin forte no hatudu brasu, hare hanesan nia foin fila hosi rai li’ur. Pasta iha nia kotuk, hanesan mane klosan estilu ida alias cool loos. Nia lala’o mesak maibé nia mós lala’o ho nia kolega sira ne’ebé idade hanesan ou la’o ho nia doben. Nia liman sorin kaer ferik ida, hanesan nia avo feto maibé la’os ne’e nia mama, idade loos ona. Nia mama ferik ona, ruin ho uat sira la dun ona iha kbiit, nia kulit mós namkurut hotu ona tuir nia otas maibé nia hamnasa nafatin. Nia kala kontente tamba la’o ho nia bei oan bonitu. Mane klosan ne’e dada nia mama ho fiar an ba tuur iha klaran Food Court nian. Lakleur deit hahan oin hira kedas to’o tiha ona iha meza leten. Sira rua han ho kontente, mane klosan ne’e toman ona ho hahan oioin no ho jeitu han hahan sira ne’e. Maibé nia mama lahatene han uza garfu ho tudik, nia sukit tun sa’e ne’ebé hahan sira ne’e nakfakar no namkari iha meza leten no semente leten. Nia ibun ho isin lolon mós fo’er hotu. Maibé mane klosan ne’e lamoe no kontinua han hodi konta istoria ho nia mama.

Sira han hotu ona maibé sei konta halimar istoria. Matan barak mak hateke ba sira rua ho pergunta oi-oin, liu-liu konaba relasaun feto ferik ho mane klosan ne’e nian no oinsá mane klosan nia sintimentu han ho feto ferik ida ne’ebé iha potensia atu hamoe nia iha ema barak nia oin. Sira rua atu hamrik ona. Mane klosan ne’e dada nia mamá ne’e ba torneira; ema hateke tuir sira rua. ho domin tomak mane klosan ne’e fase nia mama nia liman, hamoos nia oin ho roupa hatais ne’ebé fo’er. Hotu tiha, sira rua mós fila uma ona.

Iha dalan sai ba liur, señor ida hakbesik ba sira na’in rua no husu ba mane klosan ne’e. Ano, o la hanoin katak o haluha buat ruma? mane klosan ne’e hatan ba señor ne’e, la’e, ha’u lahaluha buat ida. Señor ne’e, kaer mane klosan nia kabás hodi koalia dehan, o hela tiha ona lisaun murak ba oan hotu-hotu no esperansa ba inan hotu-hotu. Mane klosan ne’e hatan, momentu ha’u sei ki’ik, ha’u nia mama lori ha’u ba fatin barak, ha’u fo’er oin-oin, ha’u nia mama lamoe hamoos ha’u. Ha’u nia mama lamoe kous ha’u maske ha’u maske ha’u nia roupa mii ho tee de’it. Señor ne’e haku’ak mane klosan ne’e matan ween mós tuun tamba laran haksolok ho hahalok mane klosan ne’e nian.